Rose Fae - Sweet November
Hi everyone!
today has been a lovely quiet, relaxing day, so i thought a perfect time to practice my colouring skills.
Now, I have a lot left to learn regarding colouring, and background colouring, but for me I think this is not to bad. I mean i'm not an expert or particularly good at art!
I have used the image Rose Fae, and the Rose Background Images from Sweet November, and in in MSWord created the image below.

The image has been coloured with Promarkers. Lots of Promarkers, lol
Sky - Arctic Blue, Cool Aqua, Blue Pearl, Pastel Blue, Blender
Grass/Trees/ leafs - Holly, Lush Green, Pine, Marsh Green, Grass, Leaf Green, Apple, Meadow Green, Lime Green, Lime Zest, Khaki, Pasel Beige
Roses - Black, Burgundy, Crimson, Cardinal Red, Poppy, Lipstick Red, Carmine
Dress - Burnt Orange, Peach, Coral, Soft Peach
Skin - Dusky Pink, Putty, Almond, Satin, Blossom.
Hair - Black, Midnight Blue, Cool Grey 5
I hope you like it!